
Adrift, AshoreA Man’S Quest for His Lost Song【電子書籍】[ bala ]

Adrift, AshoreA Man’S Quest for His Lost Song【電子書籍】[ bala ]

<p>Adrift, ashore is a poetic tale of a mans journey in search of his lost song. The song is a metaphor for all that he longs for, to be free as a bird, to flow as a river, to be rooted as a tree, to hold on to ones own mystery as the moon, to be still as a mountain and to travel both inwards & outwards as the sea. In this pilgrimage towards his song, he encounters these very natural elements that reflect his inner state - a cuckoo, a river, a banyan tree, the moon, a mountain and the sea. He opens his heart out to them, explaining with great feeling, his loss and his longing. They in turn offer him words of wisdom that comfort and guide him towards his song and himself. Adrift, ashore is a poetic tale in six chapters, each one a deep, personal and spiritual conversation about the souls journey.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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ショップ 楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア
税込価格 596円

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